Monday, December 19, 2011

Classifieds: Titles Needed

I can hardly believe that it has been a month since my last post. Life has been super crazy lately, and the time went by so fast. In case you are wondering, no, I did not finish my NaNoWriMo. I wrote one afternoon and got about 3,000 words. I was planning on continuing to write, but since I had a major blitz to finish my last novel, I was too exhausted to be able to concentrate on writing the NaNoWriMo. Oh well, lesson learned. Next year, I will be sure to have my project finished, my novel already planned out, myself well rested, and all ready to go!

As far as editing goes, I have only done some minor things. The rest of this month I have set aside to do that (probably the project I'll start this week). I am still trying to come up with a title to Book 2. I have only gotten one suggestion. However, I have thought of a couple. Here are a few:

'The Death Triangle'

'The Bermuda Conspiracy'

'The Arena'

'Surviving the Triangle'

I, personally, like the top two options the best. They catch my attention the most out of the four. Please let me know what you think. I am still open to other suggestions to titles as well! Thanks for reading! Until next time minions!

P.S. You know how I was talking about my peice of paper with my characters on it that I lost? Well, I found it! Some how (I think while unpacking) it slipped into a tiny crack beside my desk! If only I would have known that a month ago! :)