Monday, May 30, 2011

Roller coaster ride

The other day I got another rejection letter from an agent. That makes a total of three that have turned me down, and two that I haven't heard back from. I knew that I was going to have some rejections, and this is my first set of query letters that I have sent out. Did I know that there might not be any bites? Yes, but that doesn't mean that I didn't want one of the agents to bite. The one that turned me down the other day was my top pick, so that was a bit disappointing. Oh well! We get knocked down and we get right back up. It hurts, but we learn from it. What I have learned is that there is just a better agent out there. They are waiting for my manuscript to show up in their inbox. Now, all I have to do is find them. I hope that it is soon because, I would like this roller coaster ride to reach the best part--getting my book published!

And, yes, it has been a roller coaster ride. I was really excited about writing Calico's Gold. I had all the fun ideas waiting in my head for some time, and I was ready to get them on paper. Then, you get to writing and some days were hard to get things on paper. But, I persevered, and I got excited about finishing the book. I finished it and was excited to get it out to publishers. However, I hit another low when it came to editing, I didn't know how to really go about it. I did, however, find someone that was kind enough to help me, and I got really excited about hearing back from them. Editing takes time, though, and so it took a while. Finally, after getting it back, I polished it to a shine and sent out query letters. I was very excited to hear the responses. Two or three days after I sent them out, I got my first denial. It didn't dampen my spirits. I was still excited, but then, I waited anxiously for some time before I heard back from anyone else. One, day though, I opened my e-mail and found I had an inbox. The butterflies started in my stomach, only to be killed by the polite reply of no. Soon after that, I got my third one. Since, then the roller coaster has flattened out. My spirit is neither excited nor dampened by what will happen next. I only have sense of calm, for I know that whatever happens it will end up working out just fine.

For all of you aspiring writers who are on the same kind of roller coaster ride, like me, hold onto those words. They will keep you going when you think you can't. Again, best of luck.

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