Monday, May 9, 2011


Writing is something fun that anyone can do. You probably are thinking to yourself, "except for me." But it is true. Anyone can write and make it fun. From magazine stories to novels to essays and stories, they are all something that you can write. It doesn't matter if you are the best writer on earth, all you have to do is relax and start writing what is in your head. You will be surprised at how well it will turn out. Find a topic that you like. For instance, if you are interested in cars, then write about what you think about a new car. Start with simple things and work from there. After writing some small stories you can graduate to larger ones and books. Take me. I am 19 years old. I have no college degree and yet I am working on writing my third novel. Do I have the credentials? HECK NO! Does it matter? HECK NO! I do it for fun. I haven't published one of those stories yet (although i am trying!) but i still write them. If anything I write them for my family and friends who gobble them down! For me it is a very fun process. Some days it can be hard for me to sit down at my computer and grind out a few pages but I do it and it turns out awesome. I have really been blessed by God with a gift of words. I know that I am not the best writer on the planet earth but I don't care. Everyone should write something (even if it doesn't get published) b/c it is all about the adventures of life. So here is my advice for all of you potential writers. Find something that you love and just write the first thing that comes to your mind. Don't worry about whether it is good or not, just write it. If you keep doing this you will find yourself becoming a wonderful writer. So much so, that you will surprise yourself. And if you are ambitious set a higher goal, try a writing a book. Don't be discouraged when it doesn't turn out like you thought. Writing is a funny thing. No matter how much you plan it out, whatever you are writing never turns out exactly how you thought it would. You would be surprised at how your characters may do something that you never thought that they would. My first attempt at a book was....pretty bad. The beginning was terrible but the ending turned out alright (I learned as I went through it). And it did not turn out like I thought it would. I won't ever get it published, but that is OK. I learned from it and then implemented it into my next novel, which turned out AWESOME! So what I am saying is take a chance and write. When it doesn't turn out like you planned, learn from it and move on. Good luck on your writing adventures!

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